Never Look Back

Never Look Back

“Never Look Back,” by R. Clay Booth captures the thrilling essence of a cowgirl in the midst of a high-stakes barrel race. In this electrifying moment, she glances back just as the barrel begins to tip—a split second that embodies a powerful life lesson.
More than a snapshot of rodeo action. The sculpture reminds us that dwelling on the past can hinder our progress forward. Sometimes, it’s the very act of looking back that causes us to falter. “Never Look Back” encourages us to keep our eyes on the finish line, to stride ahead with confidence, and to give every moment our absolute best, focus on the present and the possibilities that lie ahead. Embrace the present, learn from the past without being bound by it, and keep moving forward with unwavering determination.
#NeverLookBack #BoothSculpture #Cowgirl #BronzeArt #BarrelRacing #WesternArt #KeepMovingForward #Inspiration #ArtWithMeaning
20″W x 14″L x 16″H
Limited Edition