Down To Business

Down To Business
“Down to Business” by R. Clay Booth illustrates a pivotal moment for a cowboy and his cutting horse. As the idiom “get down to business” implies, this piece encapsulates the essence of serious focus and dedication required when faced with a challenging task. In this case, the cowboy and his horse are depicted skillfully maneuvering to cut off a particularly lively and energetic calf from the herd. The sculpture captures the intense concentration of the cowboy and the agile, precise movements of the horse as they confront their worthy opponent. This interaction is not just a display of physical ability but also a test of strategic thinking and teamwork, essential qualities for success in cutting competitions.

#BoothSculpture #DownToBusiness #BronzeArt #WesternArt #CuttingHorse #NCHA

31″W x 19″L x 18.5″H

Limited Edition

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