Attending Physician

Attending Physician

“Attending Physician” sculpture captures the essence of the cowboy’s role as the guardian and healer of his herd. An old cowboy, skillfully roping and tying down a calf to attend to its needs, while his faithful dog keeps watch. In the rugged landscape of the Old West, cowboys were more than just herders; they were the physicians of their animals, tending to their well-being with care and dedication.
Celebrating the timeless bond between the cowboy, his livestock, and his loyal canine companion. The relationship is built on an intimate understanding of the land and its creatures. The cowboy’s weathered hands and determined expression convey a lifetime of experience and devotion to his animals, while his dog, ever vigilant, underscores the teamwork and loyalty essential to frontier life. A tribute to the enduring spirit of the cowboy and the profound respect for the animals that were integral to the survival and success of the American frontier.
#BoothSculpture #AttendingPhysician #BronzeArt #WesternArt #Cowboy #MansBestFriend
16″W x 16″L x 16″H
Limited Edition